Thursday, September 22, 2016

Just something that was crossing my mind today. You see im just a nature fanatic in general. So I saw the skies were clear tonight, so i went star gazing. While I was out i saw the big dipper and Orion and some other constellations. What amazes me to think is just how idely dispersed the stars are. I mean to us they seem like no big deal, just stars, but next time you look at the sky just think about it. These stars are light years away from each other. Some of these stars are so far out that we could never reach them if we went on a voyage into space. It would take us so long to reach them that our bodies would physically not be able to last. For instance the North Star is about 323 light-years away. Meaning that we would be long dead before you even reach half the length of getting there. The massive gas balls are way out into oblivion, and its amazing to think how great and broad our universe is. The Milky Way now is about 100,000 light years across so we are talking just massive distances. There is an estimated 100 billion - 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. So lets put this to scale. So I read up some articles obviously I didnt get this info by doing all these calculations, because honestly im no astronomer. Calculations have been made, however that in comparison if the earth was a grain of salt the Milky Way would be about 5.1 MILLION miles! just baffeling! I ask you check out the links on where I obtained some info. My full respect goes out to the astronomers and their amazing work. The galaxy and all it contents is an amazing thing. Feel free to comment or subscribe!

(Image Credit: The COBE Project, DIRBE, NASA)

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